> Journey
> 1999
The summer
of '99, age 18, was when I started growing out my hair naturally.
I did so unknowningly, actually. I had heard that
it's best to get your braids done on your new growth rather than
on your relaxed hair because the new growth is stronger and will
be less likely to break. So that's what I did. I had
my braids done twice by the time summer came and I had noticible
new growth. Now, after catching a thread about Natural hair
on I was hooked and never got another relaxer
again. Some of those relaxer stories scared the heck out
of me! Ultimately, I wanted what was best for my hair. I
wanted my hair to grow! I was tired of having my hair
break everytime it reached ponytail length, and tired of waking
up to stray hairs spread over my pillow. I started taking
the advice of these wise ladies and started clearing out my medicine
cabinet to fill it up with good products for natural hair, such
as Wild Growth Hair Oil, Infusium 23 Leave-In Conditioner and
things. I really started investing in the well being of
my hair.
My transition
was to continue to wear braids until I was comfortable with wearing
my own hair out. And when I was ready, I would press my
natural hair to blend in with my relaxed hair.
Personal journal excerpt:
finally am learning how to keep my hair naturally managable. I
learned through the Internet, mostly through The
posters helped me a lot. They told me which products
to buy, how to manage the hair, etc. I got my
burgundy braids out finally, that's why. Well,
I ran into a few errors with those Suave Shampoos--It put
so many knots in my hair I spent two hours cutting them
out. I'm still mad because I could have had 2
inches or more hair than I do now if my hair didn't tangle
up. But I went back & I got Creme of Nature,
Lustrasilk, Nexus, and some other good products which really
helped my hair. Just applied my Infusim Leave-In
spray and it worked like a charm. "
Personal journal entry:
hair has been straight since Wednesday when I hot combed
it, and my mom still believes my natural hair will break,
and I will need Wave Nouveau to manage the hair. I've
seen and witnessed the results on my own poor sister, and
frankly the stuff ain't worth it. [Sister] would
be sooo much happier if she could grow out her natural hair. This
[her age] is the stage where she can wear the cutest hair
styles, and that can be done with her beautiful Natural
hair. I hope that at least b/4 next summer she
will give me a chance at [sister's] hair, because surely
by then I'll have experience with dealing with her natural
hair. I know she'll love it."
